Sunday, September 23, 2012

Your Eyes Know

Losing sleep can affect your body in many different ways, especially your eyes. If you wake in the morning to an extreme burning sensation in your eyes, one you don't feel again throughout the day, it could be that your body needs more sleep.

The gland that produces tears needs rest, just like the rest of your body. It can even shut down on its own, which means your eyes will become dry if you're still awake.

Take care of your eyesight - make sure to get plenty of rest. To read more about this painful problem, click here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What to Do with a Flexible Spending Account

Did you know you can achieve excellent vision and use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for it?

It's true! Our laser vision correction procedures, such as LASIK, can be paid for by using an FSA. Stop using your FSA to pay for glasses, contacts, solutions, etc. Use it to pay for great vision this year and have the money next year to pay for your really important medical expenses.

Don't forget - most FSA's are "use it or lose it" which means if you don't use the money by the end of the year, it's gone!

To find out more, visit our website or give us a call today at 330-923-5676.